
Time Mastery Profile?

"I wonder how I'll find time to do all this?"
Time Mastery Profile
Time Mastery Profile?

Setting priorities and managing time effectively is basic to managing individual and organizational performance. The pressure to find innovative ways to achieve goals, pay attention to the competition, respond quickly to customer needs and enjoy life outside of work is even more intense in today's less structured, information-driven workplace. Meeting the daily challenge of managing professional and personal responsibilities requires a learning strategy designed to meet individual needs

Personal Assessment and Action Planning in One Time Management Resource
The Time Mastery Profile? is a unique tool that provides people with a complete, self-directed assessment of their current time management effectiveness. Learners then use the built-in workbook as a framework to develop customized strategies for skills improvement in twelve key areas:

  • attitudes
  • goals
  • priorities
  • analyzing
  • planning
  • scheduling
  • interruptions
  • meetings
  • paperwork
  • delegation
  • procrastination
  • time teamwork

The Time Mastery Profile also helps people to more effectively use planners, calendars and other time management tools to accomplish more and find greater balance in their daily lives.

Put Time On Your Side
The Time Mastery Profile helps people in your organization:

  • discover time management strengths
  • develop new skills for improved performance
  • focus on priorities
  • increase productivity
  • meet customer needs
  • respond to opportunities
  • reduce stress


Coin Rub Scoring

Everything yon need to administer the Time Mastery Profile is contained in the comprehensive Facilitators Kit. Designed to provide human resource professionals with practical, research-based expertise, the kit helps you deliver Carlson Learning Company's unique Discover & Capitalize approach to workplace learning:

  • provide a self-directed, scoring and interpreting process that actively engages the learner in the context of personal experience
  • simplify complex issues to increase understanding
  • create a non-judgmental language for dealing with productivity issues
  • assess strengths
  • improve skills in twelve key areas
  • foster self-awareness and behavioral insights for long-term performance improvement


One Facilitator's Manual, a fully scripted seminar, transparency masters and reproducible handouts (bound and unbound), research and technical background and two Time Mastery Profiles.


Create customized Time Mastery Profile action plans and schedules. Using Microsoft? Word" templates, schedules and action plans can be formatted to fit any 8-1/2" x 11" or 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" daily planner, 0r any standard seven-ring organizer. Reproducible handouts and transparency masters are available as a Microsoft? PowerPoint? presentation on disk, including handouts, black & white and color slides. IBM compatible PC, Microsoft? Word" and Microsoft? PowerPoint? software required.

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